Friends & Followers

Some accounts have a pretty outsized followership, which skews the distribution of followers. For instance, Trump has often been criticized for having an army of bots supporting him. His two Twitter accounts break the mold in terms of followers while having few friends. Despite the presence of a substantial bot network — numbering in the tens of thousands — Trump can't be ignored. He remains an influential figure and people around the world closely monitor his statements to gauge the American mood. Additionally, Trump ranks highest in terms of likes and retweets, but his social media popularity but his social media popularity should be viewed with caution.


The average (mean) followership is 162,434 while the median is just a tenth of that 16,732. Suggesting a highly skewed distribution of followership and also friendships when outliers are included. Below the charts show follower and friendsds distributions without outliers. Without outliers the average friendships are 894 (median: 650) and for followers the mean is 18,179 (median: 14,061). You can have a look at the skewed data by switching to "With Outliers" on the drop down menus.