There were 79710 of distinct hashtags in the dataset. Below you see the top 20 most used hashtags. Hashtags are often used in conjunction with other hashtags. The most used combinations are shown in the second plot. Hashtags are used differently over time. Below you'll find the usage patterns of the top 10 hashtags over time.
Hashtags Combinations
You may sort the columns by hashtag 1 to see for example how hashtag 1 was used in conjuction with other hashtags.
Top 10 Hashtags over Time
Hashtags of interest can be tracked over time to gauge the importance of topics. Some hashtags pop up and vanish while others recur regularly. And then there are topics like jobs and business which are continuous burners. But the most references were made to the health care system, coded with "#ACA" and "#Obamacare". There is an alleged connection between #smallbiz and the health care system. Some reading of the tweets suggests the Republicans accused the Democrats health care plans to hurt small businesses.
Hashtag Explanations
"Obamacare" is the same as "ACA" and means the Affordable Care Act. It helps to provide low-income households with affordable health insurance. This is apparently an important topic for Americans.
"TCOT" stands for Top Conservatives On Twitter and is a distinguishing mark for Republicans.
"SOTU" is the State of the Union Address, an annual message delivered by the president to a joint session of the US Congress.
The Supreme Court Of The United States, "SCOTUS", is the highest court in the land and the final judge in matters of interpreting both the Constitution and all cases involving the laws passed by Congress. It has been said that the nomination and confirmation process has become highly politicized in the last few decades, with parties trying to get their Republican or Democratic-leaning judge into the court.
"UTPOL" is short for Utah politics but really refers to the "Disagree Better" initiative of Utah governors to promote a less polarized political dialogue.
"MEPOLITICS": Maine politics. Maine is a state in the northeast of the US with borders to Canada.